Christmas Open House at the Parsonage: Pastor Emily and David would like to invite the congregation to a Christmas Open House on Saturday, December 16th from 5-7 p.m. at 15 Middle Street. Please RSVP to the office by email or phone call. If you would be willing to bring an appetizer or dessert, let the office know that as well.
Super Bowl Chili Orders: On Sunday, January 21 & 28 the youth going on the youth mission trip will be at coffee hour to take Super Bowl Chili orders. On Sunday, February 4th, you can pick up your chili and cornbread after church. We will be selling the chili and cornbread for $18 an order.
Super Bowl Chili Orders: On Sunday, January 21 & 28 the youth going on the youth mission trip will be at coffee hour to take Super Bowl Chili orders. On Sunday, February 4th, you can pick up your chili and cornbread after church. We will be selling the chili and cornbread for $18 an order.