The Green Team is a group of fun people that meet every Wednesday at 5:30 at the church to work together to maintain the church gardens. We always need and welcome new members.
Why should you join? It’s fun, easy and healthy work. For only an hour a week, you can help beautify the church. You don’t have to know anything about gardening and don’t have to commit to coming every week. Once a month we have a post-gardening dinner at Friendly’s Pizza….lots of fun and laughs. If you have questions, call or write Susan McLaren at 508-992-5605 or susanmclaren@comcast.net. We hope you’ll come any Wednesday at 5:30, and give the Green Team a try!
Lunch with Pastor Emily
Wednesdays from 12-1 in September and October. Bring a brown bag lunch and Pastor Emily will provide ice tea and lemonade.
We hope you can join us for the Alzheimer’s Walk on Saturday, September 23, at 9AM at Fort Tabor and make a donation to the Walk.
If you are unable to join us, we would still be happy to have a donation. Please make your check payable to The Alzheimer’s Association and put CCSD in the memo line. We will collect checks the day of the walk or you may give them to any member of Outreach. If it is easier, you can go to alz.org/walk and follow the prompts to New Bedford team, CCSD and make a donation that way.
On Sunday, September 17, Fays will be donating 20% of their take for the day.
We will be giving you more updates as we get closer to the event.