The mission of the Caregiving Committee seeks to surround our church family with caring and concern in times of difficulty and joy. Within this committee, the impact of serving is great. Members not only feel fulfillment in what they do, but it is heart-warming to know that they make a difference in the lives of so many.
Being a Lay Shepherd is one way to serve and thus make a difference. It is a very special time for those visited and for the Lay Shepherds when they both come together in fellowship and caring.
The Caregiving Committee also reaches out to those who are 80 and 80+ years young by sending birthday greetings. Cards are also sent to those in need of comfort throughout the year.
Finally, the Prayer Shawl group graciously donates their yarn, time, and talents in creating gifts of love and prayer for church family and friends. The group also reaches out to the community with donations of knitted items.
There is no term limit for the Caregiving Committee. Members are welcome to join anytime and to serve with gladness.