The Outreach Ministry programs of witness and outreach work to benefit others, locally, nationally, and worldwide. In addition to providing opportunities to donate to organizations and causes where funds are most needed, we invite members of the church to actively participate service and mission projects.
These are some of the current and ongoing programs and events to help our neighbors in need:
Provide a Food Pantry every 3rd Thursday of each month at the church for anyone in the community in need.
Help out at Mobile Ministries every Wednesday in New Bedford
Raise money for the Salvation Army through our annual Turkey Sale.
Participate in Holiday Hope, to bring a festive Christmas to those who would otherwise receive no gifts.
Collect much needed food for the Dartmouth Council on Aging food pantry.
Receive nominations from the congregation so we can target our giving to organizations.
Roll up our sleeves for hands-on service work.
Opportunities for outreach abound. Would you like to travel and engage in a service project? We can help you find one. Do you have ideas for activities? We encourage suggestions.
We also seek nominations for organizations to which we can donate our church’s pledges and offerings.
Please share your ideas by dropping us a note at the church office.